The Friday Nightmares Podcast: Episode 95
Welcome to the 95th episode of The Friday Nightmares Podcast.
I am one half of your hosting team, coming, Heather Powell, coming to you today from Waterdown, Ontario, Canada, and we're sneaking this episode in just before my trip.
Scott and I managed to hammer out some pretty decent 2024s, so I think I liked all of them more than Scott did, with the exception of one.
But that's okay, you know, Scott's allowed to be wrong and I just choose joy.
And with me, as always, is...
Smoke Show Crawford, coming to you from the town of Swartz Creek in the county of Genesee, in the state of Michigan, in the United States of America, in the North American continent, in the Western Hemisphere, on the planet Earth, in the Milky Way galaxy.
I'm fully vaxxed, boosted, and waxed, and ready to climax, and if you can, please get me wet and feed me after midnight.
I'm the man with the glorious beard, aka Mother of Cats, aka the man with the humongous ego, aka Scott Howson, aka Scottie2Hottie, aka Spanky, and aka one half of the premium podcasting duo.
100% premium podcasting quality.
We're so dedicated to our craft that we even make sure that we record before we go away.
Tim Davis asked on the Dummy for Horrors podcast who the premium podcast is, which was my question, and gave no context to that.
That's an inside joke, and made me sound like I am the most attention seeking bitch that's ever existed in the entire planet.
So thank you, Tim.
It was hilarious, to be honest.
And he's such a fucker too, right?
And it's so funny.
Have you seen the meme where the two cats are cuddling and licking each other?
Yeah, that's me and Tim.
We pretend to fight on air and on Facebook, but our messages are like, you're the best.
No, you're the best.
I wish I could be like you.
I wish I could be like you.
It is so opposite to what you see.
But Jill stood up for me.
Did you see that?
His wife is like, leave Heather alone.
Oh, yeah.
I've been successful.
I pride myself as a female of befriending all the podcasters' wives and making them realize that they are above their husbands in every single thing, right?
Like, it's true, though, right?
Like, you look at Erica, you look at Jill.
We're talking like babes that are hot, smart, funny, you know, the whole package.
And I just have to make sure I keep their men humble so they know how lucky they are.
You never have to humble me.
I'm not, I am like 100% humble.
Have you heard your intro?
I was like, you may say I'm a 10, but I'm an 8 at best plus two says you.
Because I'm so humble.
You are, though, a 10, though, Scott.
All joking aside, you are also good looking, very handsome gentleman, and a great personality and smart and, you know, funny.
And like, really, you hit it out of the park, too.
Like, you're the same with Tim Davis.
Like, you know, as much as I kid, both of you are definitely all the guys are that listen to us, everyone and the girls.
They're all fucking fabulous.
Really, they really are.
That's why they listen to Friday Nightmares, because they're like they see two equally fabulous people and they're like, oh, yeah, we really need to listen to their opinions on 20, 24 horror films, especially because they're like, this is premium content right here.
Premium professional podcasters, which I glad I just listened to our episode, our previous one before this, where we trashed Imaginary, which made me laugh a lot, especially when you're like, Imagination.
I forgot about that.
Oh, it was pretty mint.
And I will I'm going to try so hard to walk into that rested ghoul cafe in England and be like, I'm not sure if you know me, but I'm a premium professional podcaster.
Yes, do it.
I don't know I can pull it off because I say it, but I don't really mean it, right?
Like, it's so cute because I told him, I'm like, you know, I it's a joke I have because I think some people take at the level that we podcast, I think some people take it too seriously.
You know, and I'm just being playful because it's a hobby, it's for fun.
Neither Scott and I ever think we're going to be any kind of celebrities or anything like that.
We appreciate all of our listeners.
Thank you so much for joining us.
But this is a hobby and it Scott and I and we're just two people that with opinions, right?
Like we're nothing special, though people do comment on our chemistry, which I do think is quite good.
Well, I was thinking that's because we're real life friends.
We have and we've known each other for fucking five years this year.
Is that not bonkeroonies?
So a lot of shit has happened in those five years.
Your life has, not so much me.
I traveled and I did a master's degree and I don't know.
Well, I'll say that.
Plus, we both went through fucking world life events.
Well, yeah, the pandemic.
But I think of you, your life.
You were dating bitches and now you're dating primo.
Well, not even dating.
You're basically in a committed relationship.
Not basically.
I consider Erica your wife.
And you're a family man.
You went from being a single dude with pets and watching movies all the time to barely being able to finish a fucking movie.
And barely even able to finish editing a podcast.
We used to do top tens and we do top fives and we do all this shit.
There's not enough time for that shit now.
Now we had a video game podcast for a half a second, like it's like four episodes of that, I think.
Yeah, which I love the fact that Luffy called me out on that.
Yeah, still.
He's like, I remember controllers up cards down.
Yeah, that was a fun time, but life has changed.
And horror movies have got better, got worse.
But as we're coming up to our 100th episode, you and I are going to have to talk about the special thing we have planned, which is to go over whatever number we decide, films we want to bring back from the past, I guess by that point, technically before years.
Yeah, because I think we were talking about doing like a top list of all the movies we've covered, like from 2020 to 2023, 2024, depending on when episode 100 comes out.
Right, right.
So, yeah, it's just it's it's crazy.
It's crazy to me.
I'm so glad we got to this point.
And they just did the fam come home.
You're looking up.
Do you want to pause?
We can pause.
Oh, let me give me one second.
Well, you can keep talking.
Now I'm doing a suborder.
Also, they're getting their stuff from the car.
Oh, they're bringing all their stuff in.
I don't know if you want to keep this in the podcast, talking about your family coming in and all that stuff as I'm making a suborder.
It shows how premium and professional we are.
We're managing to do our personal lives while doing orders.
You keep looking over.
Is Erika still there?
I just heard a door open.
It's like she's a ghost.
Well, it wasn't even Erika.
It was Jayden.
Oh, how is he doing?
He's good.
But I guess they wouldn't have seen Godzilla and Kong.
Oh, nice.
What did they think?
He says it's good, but I guess they were listening to our podcast on the way home or something like that.
And he goes, you have the gall to say Godzilla is a horror film?
I'm going, yep, it fits in that category.
Look at this kid coming down, talking the smack, huh?
Oh, he does.
That's all he ever does is talk smack.
Is that Erika now coming in there?
No, that's all of them.
That's all of them.
Oh, boy.
But they're all just getting ready to go.
They're all just walking through the side door, taking their stuff in the rooms.
They're all like, oh, man, our fucking creepy stepdad's still here.
Damn it, he didn't leave.
Oh, man, I still think it's funny.
A couple of episodes ago, how I referred to you as the, what did I call you?
The stepdad from Stepdad?
What was his name?
What was his name in the actual movie?
Oh, God, I forget.
Fuck, it was something like, and remember the opening scene where he like massacres the whole family?
Oh, fuck.
And I still can't.
I'm trying to build my own sub here, motherfucker.
And like, I'm having the worst time.
I'm using Mr.
Sub instead of Mr.
Subway or Subway.
You have Subway in the States, right?
Speaking of Subway, have you seen or heard about the Jared, what's his face, the fucking, the pedo Jared from Subway?
Oh, I knew about that.
So there's a documentary on what you may call it, Discovery Plus.
It's fucking wild, man.
It's fucking wild.
Oh, yeah.
Like, talk about real life horrors.
You should definitely check it out.
Oh, boy.
Like, it was one of the most disturbing things I've watched in a long time.
I finally found the sub that I wanted.
This is good.
We managed to kill this out enough times that I found the sub.
But yeah, like, it's three episodes, and like, it's kind of, it's not as good as the Nickelodeon one.
Did you guys get a chance to watch that yet?
No, not yet.
You got to let me know if you watch it.
I have it on Discovery Plus here in Canada.
I do not know what it's on for you.
I'll say it might be on Plex.
I'll have to check.
If not, you can always ask.
This is true.
Our good friend.
All right, do you need to, go ahead if you need to say something.
Hey, bud.
Who is that?
Is that Connor?
Is Connor the one that liked Skinemarink?
Too bad we didn't give him more prep time.
You could have got him to say why.
I don't even know if he actually watched it yet.
I think he just watched YouTube videos on it.
Oh, he didn't even watch the whole thing yet.
As far as I know.
Oh, man.
There's still hope for him yet, huh?
Well, while I'm putting in my order, why don't we get started with the 2024s?
I feel like we dragged this out long enough.
If you're good, Scott keeps looking over.
I feel like this is a fucking found footage film, and Scott's going to get killed any minute, people.
It's a matter of time.
The kids are finally fighting back.
They're like, our evil stepfather.
We know it's true.
You don't have more than 500 downloads for Friday Nightmares.
It is true.
It is.
Eric is like, I thought I was being with a famous podcaster.
You and Heather lied to me.
No, you forget we're premium, not famous.
Oh, that's right.
So I guess we could start with this first one, because you were the one that turned me on to this.
If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have even known that it existed.
The Festival of the Living Dead.
Yeah, like you were the one that told me about it, because I was all like, what?
Like, I had no idea.
Yeah, because this one, I started seeing people promoting it, so I was like, oh, OK, it's supposed to be, like, I think, yeah, because I'm friends with the Saskasisters on Facebook.
Are you really?
Yeah, I don't know if it's like fan page or whatnot, but they're promoting it.
Oh, that's fucking wild, dude, that you know, like, that you're friends with them on Facebook.
That's really cool.
Yeah, I thought it was, too.
Yeah, I'll bring this one in.
So the Festival of the Living Dead is a to-be-original by the Saskia sisters themselves.
88-minute runtime.
While attending a festival to commemorate the original zombie attack, Ash and her friends encounter the undead and must fight back or be devoured.
And so, yeah, this is basically supposed to be a sequel after Night of the Living Dead, 40, 50-some-odd years later.
And the world has went back to normal, and like most places, they do place things like big events like this get festivals or things to be kind of a memorial and commemorate.
And of course, being the younger generation, not knowing much about it because they lived through it, they treat it more as a party.
And it almost represents like Burning Man from the video, from what the movie shows.
Yeah, I agree.
That's a good comparison, Scott.
But so it's still a festival where everybody's partying and not really given too much of a concern about what happened.
And then the zombie infection happens again.
And yeah, this was all right.
I was hoping for something a little more wild, being the Saskia Sisters, because you know, American Mary was freaking awesome.
But yeah, this was your typical run-of-the-mill zombie film with not a lot of gore, which was kind of a disappointment because when you're doing a zombie film, I like to see a lot of practical effects if possible.
But they had some likable characters, and then definitely some despisable characters.
All in all, I found this to be just a all right watch.
It wasn't terrible and just easy to watch.
I can't complain because it's a 2B.
Yeah, I feel like I'm right there with you.
I felt like they could have done a better job of connecting it back to the OG.
I don't know if there was a rights issue with that.
I don't think there is because Night of the Living Dead is pretty much free to grab for anybody because there was a copyright issue with that a long time ago when the movie got made.
I liked that they had people of all...
I don't know, I like the representation.
And I know there's people that don't like that.
I like movies with representation.
I like seeing people of color.
I like seeing people that may be part of a different community represented.
I love seeing someone in a wheelchair being represented in a way of showing them being able to...
I don't want to say fend for themselves, but being able to handle situations to the best of their ability.
Like when that kid was fighting off some chicken with his chair as like the only option he had to kind of defend himself.
I was like, I'm glad to see this like kind of in a heroic way because the last...
There's not a lot of movies where you see too many people that are using a wheelchair where they're being kind of heroic.
There's a handful, right?
There was that one with the service dog that really wasn't that great that we saw a couple of years ago.
But this I thought was a little bit more emotional.