The Friday Nightmares Podcast: Episode 100
Welcome to the hundredth episode,
hundredth episode of the Friday Nightmares
podcast. Yes, this is very special because for those of you
who have stuck with us for 100 episodes,
starting back in January of
2020, before the world fell apart and rebuilt again,
we made it to this point. We have changed a lot over the years and
we're really glad that you have stayed with us or joined us or
hate listened. I don't know. Whatever you've done, we are here for
it. My name is Heather Powell. I am from Water
Down, Ontario, and I am one half of the Friday Nightmares podcasting
team. And with me, as always, is Mr.
Smokeshow Crawford, coming to you from the town of
Sports Creek in the county of Genesee in the state of
Michigan, in the United States of America, in the North American
continent, in the Western hemisphere, on the planet Earth,
in the Milky Way galaxy, I'm fully vaxxed, boosted and
waxed and ready to climax. And if you can please get me wet and
feed me after midnight, I'm the man with the glorious beard,
AKA Mother of Cats, AKA the man with the
humongous ego, AKA Scott Housing,
AKA Scotty Too Hottie, AKA Spanky,
AKA Hey Scott. Hey, Scott.
Hey, hey Scott. And Connor's over on the other
side and I just hear him go, what the fuck? I love it.
I love it. I think more we should do a podcast on how much Scott,
like, Scott's life has changed. Like, besides me just sucking more dick
over the last couple of years, that's,
that's it. Scott, on the other hand, like, has a fucking
family now. He has a cute little one
eyed dog named river, which basically beyond belongs on sbca,
like, commercial of how you can make a difference. He has a
beautiful, breathtaking fiance and I really,
I'm really glad that I put these years in with Scott to get Erica.
Yes, I knew that if I stuck it out long enough,
something good would come my way. You, you gained a
Scotty and then you gained a family. I did,
I did. And Blaze, you can't forget about
little Blaze. Oh, yeah, my little gecko Blaze. He, my little
dragon. Right? And Scott's dating history, which has been more
horrific than some of this. Yeah, I was gonna say,
I don't know. I don't know what the listeners came here for. The movies that
we've talked about over the years or my horrendous dating history
for the first three years. Right?
Because, yeah, we're coming up on our five year anniversary of our
show, which is fucking crazy, crazy, crazy.
But for the people that may have not seen my post on the Friday
Nightmares page. We decided instead of doing the top 30 of
2020-2023 for episode 100, like, we're, you know, our episode today,
we decided to hold off because we have, for one, we haven't recorded
since before October. And so we got a lot of
2024 to talk about and I'm already starting to forget a lot of
them. And we figured if we waited till the next episode,
which will probably be in December, knowing us, we will have
like two movies that we remember. But we decided we'll do
it in January when pickings are very slim for 2025.
And it also will lead into our five year anniversary
and we can do 2020 to 2024 films.
Our top 30 of that. Yes, yes. Which makes more sense
and it just makes it easier on us because, yeah, we crammed a lot in
over this last month or so. Like, I have, at least
for me, I actually got 18 watches in, which is
pretty good for what I. Those are good
new numbers compared to the 200 in a month that you used to do in
2020. Yeah, I didn't have a life back then. It was a
bit different. No. Well, and we went through a pandemic too. Right.
Like, Scott and I literally met, hung out three times.
Pandemic. And then continued to
podcast throughout all that. And as Scott's life has
changed. More Scott than me. Not that, you know. Oh,
it's all because of Scott. We don't record. He just has new responsibilities now with
having kids in the house. That's just a reality. His life has changed and,
you know, it becomes less rigid. And I think
that's just normal with all podcasts. Like, I have such respect for podcasts
like dummies of horror who have been. What is.
What are they on episode 200 or something? Like, isn't it
wild? I think it was like 250 or something. Yeah. Like,
and. And then, you know, fucking kudos to Tim for doing
an episode a day for October.
Like, for 31 days of horror. Like, Jesus Christ.
I would never be able to like do for one talk by
myself. I would be like, I don't know what to say.
Yeah, for another, actually doing it and releasing it
consistently every day, not missing a beat. That is fucking
impressive. And I listen to every shout out his wife who supports
him so he can do that. Like, let's give Jalisa her props
here. Huge props to. Yeah, that's actually
given more to Jaleesa than we hear because she's taking care of three children
while he's like, I got a podcast for my 18 patreons.
We love you, Tim. Which is true, though. But yeah, when you have people
like that, or Dave C. And Christian Luciani from the
exploding Movie Heads podcast, Mark Nadeau, the Horror
Returns. Like, people that have hundreds of episodes out
there, you know, and we're just a little baby podcast that made it to 100.
So, Scotty, I'm glad we made it here. I'm glad that I've got to
do this with you. Over the past four years and anytime we both have thought
about quitting, we. We're just like Brokeback Mountain,
minus the anal sex.
We just can't quit Friday nightmares. Or bad horror movies
for that matter either. Uncorked films. I'm gonna throw Lionsgate
into that as well, since Lionsgate always comes up with the weirdest
shit. And then the indie.
Indie stuff that I've been watching, like. The real indie,
not indie, like uncorked indie. We're talking like uncorked has even
like, nah.
Right? And just like, just to be clear,
over the past 100 episodes, Scott and I may have said things
about podcasters that we know. Please know that it's all jokes.
We have no idea what our podcaster fellow people vote in
elections, for example, nor do we know what they do in their
spare time. Except for Tim. We actually know what Tim does. All he does is
watch Jaws and dress up as Leatherface.
I mean, Rob. And Rob hates on horror movies. Well, I was saying it's
fair with Tim because he's got all this free time because, you know, Luffy is
the one that does all the editing and all that for the show. So,
yeah, he's a true premium professional podcaster.
So if Scott and I have said something over the years, we probably have forgotten.
Yes. Even if it was on the episode that we just recorded,
Scott and I forget we have very short
term memories that of Fleas. I don't even remember I
made my comment about my oral sex giving after. I just forgot that
I gave this podcast referral to a co worker of mine. So to that co
worker who's listening. I warned you. Now you're just
getting the uncensored version of Heather, which is more extreme than what you've already
seen in the workplace. But I did warn her, so hopefully if she's listening
still, she's just like, oh, Heather.
But yes, thank you everyone for being here. And I
don't know being here for the ride, whether you listen once or a hundred times,
it was very. Or more than that because. Well, no. Well, I guess if you
count our guest spots on other shows and stuff like that. Well, guest spots.
And then also the episodes we did for Patreon that we did release
on our feed as well. Yeah, yep. Guests we
had on our show, like, so thank you for everybody that's ever joined.
Yeah, like, we, we really appreciate it. We really,
really do. This has always been a hobby for Scott and I.
We will. We don't take like, we joke about the premium podcasters. For anyone who
doesn't know we are joking. Neither Scott or I think we're
premium nor do we think we're professional.
It's always just been a running joke. I'll say. We don't take this as seriously
as others. We take this as a way to hang out and just shoot the
shit about movies and the fact that a lot of you listeners
appreciate the depths that we go to
to find new release films and kind of take notes,
that means a lot because yeah, we're just doing this for fun and we
just, you know, we just watch horror movies because we're fucking nerds.
We are. And we're. And we're besties. We're family. Scott and I
are family. We're actually siblings. Even though our mothers are in
different countries and we were raised in different countries. Doesn't matter. We are
actually separated by birth by a couple of years older,
but we are definitely brother and sister and
we have a very, very close relationships. So this does provide
us that Scott said a good avenue to hang out and judge
other people. But more importantly, Scott, you know Halloween's over,
right? Yes, the post, the post Halloween depression
happens. No, no, Scott. Now as
elite horror fans, we have to get mad at
the people that only watched horror movies in the month of October and
make sure we complain about it for the next 11 months. Because God forbid
anybody just enjoy horror movies in the month of
October. How dare they? That is
my biggest. That, that I don't hold back on. That is
my biggest pet peeve about the horror community.
I really do believe that, like people that get upset that people
like to watch horror movies in October but not the rest of the year.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Yeah, I'll say. It's gatekeeping. It is.
For no reason. Let people like what they like. Yep.
Like, hey, the fact that they enjoy horror movies and watch
them in October, awesome. Like that's great, you know, but like, you don't
have to watch them all year. I watch Christmas movies at Christmas time.
I don't watch them in July and I don't care if other people
do. You know, I like. I watch good old cannibal movies
all year round. There's some people that prefer their cannibalism in like February.
I mean, hell, I actually watched a Christmas
movie in Halloween or this month of Halloween. You did. I'm actually
saving that one for Christmas because I believe in watching it
for the season. I'm supporting the fellow people that
watch horror movies in Only in October.
And I'm going to. Well, actually, before I finish that
thought, isn't Halloween still going on for you? Because aren't
you going somewhere tonight? Oh, yeah. Tonight is kind of like
the last hurrah for Halloween. We are going to a Halloween
party tonight. What are you dressing up as? I didn't want to go buy another
costume, so I'm just. I didn't have the money until after
Halloween and by that point everything's gonna be gone anyway, so I'm just gonna go
as Jason Voorhees. And depending on
the weather, Erica bought a camp counselor outfit
to kind of do a couple's idea if the weather is good for it
because it's got like booty shorts and everything. So it's. Oh, it's a chilly
day. Well, it won't be. It won't be that hot in the house later,
huh? Scott, turn the heat
up. Sorry. Oh, apparently from
what Connor was just saying, her friend told her she had addresses. A slut.
I love it. I love it. I think you should turn the heat up in
the house really hot for later when you guys get home. Like, oh, babe,
I guess you got a booty shorts.
I said, I'm like, we're keeping these for role playing aspects later,
right? Oh, fuck yeah. I hope she keeps them. Show that
big booty of hers. She's got a. She's got a banging bar. She definitely
should be showing it off. Remember, Scott, a year to your wedding.
I still got my time. Yes. Yeah, I'll say. Yeah.
One year till the wedding. That is. Oh, boy. Gonna be insane. Like, we already
got a lot of stuff taken care of already, so it's exciting, but still got
a lot to do as well. It's gonna be an exciting time.
My Halloween was pretty chill this year. I got back from my trip, which feels
like a million years ago. I'll talk about it later. Yeah, because I watched
some movies with my good friend Mike.
Mike. He's gonna be so bad. Mark,
5%. Sorry, Mark. And Mark is having his
third book published. It Will be out in November
and when it's released I'll talk about it on our next episode.